This is where you have been staying. Thebeach is east and there is forest to thenorth. Exits are:- East, North.
This is a sandy beach where you first found the baby dragon. The holiday village is west, there is a jungle path to the north and more beach to the east.Exits are:- North, East, West.
Forest Path
A well trodden path leading from the beach. It continues on eastwards and is joined at this point by a smaller path from the west. Exits are:- East, South, West.
River Mouth
This is the point where the River Grondas meets the sea. It is t¿¿ wide and deep for you to cross. You can go south along the beach or west up the river bank. Exits are:- South, West.
River Bank
The River Grondas. There is a bridge to the north and paths lead into the forestand along the river bank. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
You are on a rickety, old, w¿¿den bridgewhich joins the north and south banks ofthe River Grondas. Exits are:- North, South.
A round, grassy clearing where four paths meet. The holiday village is visible a little way down the south pathThe other paths lead into the forest. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
You have come to a dead end at a cliff face. There is no way for you or a dragon to climb up. You will have to return to the clearing. Exit is:- South.
You cannot cross the river here but can see a bridge downstream. There is also apath which leads into the forest. Exits are:- East, South.
The path widens here, allowing bright sunlight to reach the ground. Exits are:- North, East.
Path Junction
The bridge over the River Grondas is a little way to the south and the path from it splits in two here, one branch going north, the other west. Exits are:- North, West.
You have arrived at an open, rocky area.The lower slopes of the volcano are visible to the west and the forest lies to the south. Other directions are blocked by low cliffs. Exits are:- South, West.
The Volcano
There is forest to the south and bare rocks to the east. A narrow, twisting trail leads upwards. Exits are:- East, South, Up.
Entrance Cave
You are standing in the mouth of a cave which leads into the volcano. There is apath which leads down to the forest below and two tunnels. Exits are:- East, West, Down.
West Cave
The cave is lit by narrow windows which connect to the outside of the volcano. There are three d¿¿rs visible in the cave walls. Exits are:- North, East, South.
Red Cave
A bright but very red cave with four identical d¿¿rs evenly spaced around thewalls. Exits are:- North, East, South, West.
East Cave
A bare, rock chamber with three tunnels leading from it. Exits are:- North, South, West.
Blue Cave
A pleasant but very blue cave. It has four d¿¿rs. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Yellow Cave
This cave is really just a widening of the tunnel but someone or something has decided to paint it bright yellow. Exits are:- East, West.
Green Cave
Yeuk! The walls of this cave are brightgreen and it's not paint, it's slime. There are four, dripping, slime covered d¿¿rs. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Pink Cave
A small cave with four exits. It l¿¿ks nice enough at first, as long as you like pink. Then some of the pink drips onto the fl¿¿r and you realise that it is made up of tiny, squiggly worms. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Front D¿¿r
A small, slightly smokey cave with a welcome mat. The baby dragon is snortingand sparking with delight. Exits are:- North, South, East, West andthe front d¿¿r.
Purple Cave
There are four tunnels leading away fromthis large, empty cave. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Black Cave
Whatever was lighting the other caves doesn't seem to be working here. The only light is coming from the four tunnels which meet at this point. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Orange Cave
A large cave with four d¿¿rs. Everythingis coloured in shades of orange. Even the giant slugs which are covering the r¿¿f. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Round Cave
A large and perfectly round cave. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
White Cave
This cave has been whitewashed all over.There are four tunnels leading from it. Exits are:- North, South, East, West.
Cr¿¿ked Cave
This place l¿¿ks as though it has had anaccident, everything is bent. Exits are:- East, South, West.
Square Cave
This cave has been carved into a perfectcube with square d¿¿rs in three of the sides. Exits are:- North, South, East.
Triangular Cave
This cave has three sides, with a d¿¿r in each. Exits are:- North, South, West.
Troll Bridge
There is a wide gap in the tunnel fl¿¿r here and the bridge across it is owned by a troll. You'll have to give him something if you want to cross.
There is a deep pit blocking your way forwards.
Underground Lake
There is a large p¿¿l of water beside the path here. There is also a large and hungry l¿¿king lizard. You will need to feed it in order to get past.
Beach Tree
This cavern is occupied by a large BeachTree. It is shedding sand all over the fl¿¿r. You will need a spade to dig your way through.
Picnic Party
You've met a bunch of Trollettes on an 'Adventure'. You'll have to contribute to their picnic lunch before they will let you past.
Buzzzzzzzzz. These are Spelling Bees. They make magic honey. I hope that you have got something for them or else theywon't let you past.
Wild Flower
The plant with the big teeth is a Dog Rose. If you haven't got something for it, it won't be a wild flower it will bea furious one.
Guard House
This is where the Watch D¾g lives. I h¾pe y¾u have s¾mething f¾r him.
Not so much a waterfall as a shower r¿¿mYou'll need an umbrella to get the baby dragon through here without putting its fire out.
Imp's Room
An untidy cave, clutterd with junk and piles of b¿¿ks.
Snake Pit
You way is blocked by a large snake. You will need to feed it in order to getpast.
The Batcave
The place is full of vampires.
Fl¿¿ded Bit
You have come to an underground lake. It can be crossed by means of a rope anda rubber boat which have been left here.The boat is leaking and will have to be pumped up.
Rock and Roll
The passage way has been blocked by rocks which have been rolled onto the path.
Goblin's R¿¿m
The Goblin likes to collect squelchy, wriggly things.
Wizard's Cavern
Your instincts tell you that this is someone that you should try and make friends with.